The Blog

Welcome to my blog! My name is Dr. Elisabeth Wygant, and I am thrilled to have you here. As The Women’s Hormone Health Coach, I am passionate about helping women achieve optimal health and wellbeing through a holistic approach that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit.

As a doctor of pharmacy, functional nutrition expert,  and a hormone health expert, I have seen firsthand the incredible impact that a balanced approach to health can have on a woman’s life. By addressing not only the physical aspects of health but also the emotional and spiritual, women can experience greater vitality, resilience, and joy.

Through this blog, I will be sharing my expertise on topics such as nutrition, exercise, stress management, hormone health, and more. But more than that, I want this to be a space where women can come together to learn, grow, and support one another on our journeys to optimal health.

So whether you’re struggling with hormonal imbalances, seeking to improve your overall wellbeing, or simply looking for inspiration and guidance on your health journey, I invite you to join me here. Together, let’s explore the importance of mind, body, and spirit in achieving vibrant health and wellness.

Blog Posts

Transform Your Life: 10 Boss Babe Habits for Empowerment and Success

In a world where the pursuit of success, empowerment, and personal growth is at the forefront of many women’s minds, the term “Boss Babe” has gained popularity. A Boss Babe is a...

Top Foods that Boost Metabolism for Your Unique Body Type

Elevating your metabolism is an effective method of losing weight. However, to achieve this, you do not need to adopt a restrictive diet that involves cutting back on food. Instead, consuming foods...

Combatting Hormonal Imbalances: How Cortisol and Stress Are Disrupting Your Health and What You Can Do About It

Have you ever woken up feeling a sense of doom and tension, like everything is on edge? Your body experiences a wave of fear and unease. You unexpectedly become tense, as if expecting some kind of...

Hormone Balance during Menopause and Perimenopause: How Nutrition Can Help

Menopause…perimenopause…terms I didn’t think I’d care too much about as a woman in my early thirties. Honestly, when I was in my twenties, I would think to myself, “I...

The Blog

Welcome to my blog! My name is Dr. Elisabeth Wygant, and I am thrilled to have you here. As The Women’s Hormone Health Coach, I am passionate about helping women achieve optimal health and...

7 Simple Morning Habits for Optimal Hormonal Balance and a Revved-Up Metabolism

Becoming a mother has been the greatest gift of all in my life, of course it comes with its challenges…but it’s super rewarding! It’s made me come to terms with the fact that I NEED...

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